Being threatened with the possibility of foreclosure is a frightening situation. Will you lose your home? Where will you go if you do? Who will defend me? There are numerous challenges that a family will face when their home could be foreclosed on in the near future.
It is critical that you do not wait to act and obtain the advice of a foreclosure defense attorney as soon as you learn that your bank or mortgage lender intends to foreclose on your home. Manuel D. Gomez, Esq is your shield and sword in legal matters.
Often, an individual or a family will learn that their bank or mortgage lender intends to foreclose on their home. The idea of being involved in mortgage litigation with the bank can be a concerning thought, and without adequate legal representation, you stand to not only lose your home, but also face the high costs of litigation.
At the Law Office of Manuel D. Gomez P.C, we take mortgage litigation seriously, and we are prepared to provide you with an aggressive defense aimed at reaching an agreement that is in your complete favor, and allows you to keep your home.
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Hours :
Mon-Fri 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Sun 9:00 AM -1:00 PM